
Evening... Speaker from the screen of television set wants all good night. Dies Down a noise of machines, get dark town streets. Shone only mines of lifts, yes rare rectangles of windows. Why this people do not sleep late hour in the table. Urgent work, seizing book? But if from one window hear a cheep an morzes, with the conversation on foreign language, possible without the mistake to say that here lives an amateur... *


Historically so is packed that radioamateurs are "first" in the field of radio communications.At first developments radio, radioamateurs have returned for experiments all short waves and when become obviously that on short waves possible relationship between amateur radio stations on enourmous distances, only then radio communication on short waves become be around the world used in commercial purposes. Presently difficult itself will present, for instance nave, not equipped by the short-wave radioequipment. Broadcasting radio stations work From all countries of the world on short waves.Such situation is repeated and with ultrashort (VHF) by waves. At present in any large city practically, works several broadcasting radio stations on VHF (their often else name FM). VHF is used for the relationship by the service an ambulance, taxi, firemans, militia and everywhere where needed mobile, operative связь.
Technology of issue information does not cost on the place, radioamateurs (on the international register - an amateur SERVICE) also always in the vanguard. At present radioamateurs are used following types communications:
# radio communication by the telegraph (morse code: CW)
# radio communication by the telephone (different types to inflexions: SSB, AM, FM)
# radio communication telex (also different types to inflexions: RTTY, AMTOR, PACTOR)
# radio communication by the television with slow scan (SSTV)
# radio communication digital mode (PSK31, FeldHell, MT63)
# packet radio communication (reporting will be sent in the numerical type, packet)
# radio communication on VHF with reflecting from the Moon, radio communication with reflecting from "Aurora"
radio communication with reflecting from traces of meteors i.t.c.
# radio communication via satellites
Notable that even spacemans on international space-stations too work in the radioamateur airwaves!

* from book V.K.Benzar "Around land on radiowave" ,Minsk, from-in "Polymya" 1986.

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