Assotiation Amateur Radio Communication
Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad`s region (ALRS)

ALRS Is continue of deal to Leningrad Sections of Short Waves (LSKV)

Old long ago... So usually begin fairy-tale narratives. But we will begin so: Old long ago at 19... years is formed Leningrad Section of Short Waves, interesting was a time, and on length of many years this was a vanguard of radioamateur motion in the country. Thereof group was many known people, greater specialists. LSKV enterred component part in the Leningrad radioclub, where also were sections "huntsmans on foxes", "CW"- amateurs an acceptance-issues by the morse code and etc. An Undertaking the competitions was In traditions LSKV test Moscow-Leningrad, undertaking the competitions on "hunt on foxes", undertaking the local competitions on the Championship of Leningrad and etc. RadioClub was located in the House of the Defence on Fontanka 7. Each ambience passed "sections" shortwaves, noisy was in this day in the club. Came to look received fresh QSL mail, discussed interesting ideas and designs, listenned lectures on different radioamateurs way. Groups of ten and hundreds of radioamateurs considered an ambience its daytime, postponing deal, for visitting a radioclub.
Time are changed, changed and radioclub. Certain time it was on quay Shmidt, but now has moved on Popov street. LSKV is converted in the Assotiation Amateur Radio of Relationship (ALRS) Saint-Petersburg. ALRS is not commercial organization and exists on the dues of radioamateurs. Created memorial radio station in the apartment A.S.Popov, and museum of relationship by it. A.S.Popov. At present in the club works QSL agency, are taken exams beside enterring in the club and wanting get a personal call sign, are conducted thematic lectures.For radioamateurs, considering economic position in the country, presently not best time. However, radioamateurs live, work in the airwaves, conduct competitions. Appear new types of relationship: "packet" radio communication, work through repeter. Main mass of radioamateurs tries not to lag behind and so airwaves pervaded by their voices either as old time.
Location ALRS (radioklub of St.Petersburg) today: St.Petersburg, ul. Professor Popov 5, kv.29, 5-floor (tuesday, after 17-00 time MSK)

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